Thursday, July 31, 2014

Onyx - Jennifer L. Armentrout - 5 stars

Wow this one, was even better than the first one. I am so glad I decided to read this series. I had heard so much about it and finally got them on my kindle. I will be buying the physical copies of these books as well. This series is a first time read for me and Jennifer Armentrout is a very gifted writer.

In this installment Katy is learning so much more about herself and what she is capable of. She is learning to trust Daemon and the Lux more as they try to put a stop to the plans of the DOD. This installment brings 2 new mysterious people to the forefront, Will and Blake. I was really on the fence with these two for most of the story.

I love the world that the author has built here. It has such a real feeling and yet also has those mysterious unexplained elements that only add to the experience and excitement. Great imagery that allows the readers to insert themselves into the story and become a part of all these characters lives.

The characters are very well developed. My favorite would have to be Katy for one. I can so relate to her mostly because she loves books and reading and she writes a blog. She has a passion for that and I love it. Daemon is another favorite. He is kind of mysterious to start and readers will find themselves trying to figure him out. In this book more of his life unfolds for the readers and you can't help but love his character. Actually you can't help but love their alien race.

And then we have the love interest between Katy and Daemon. The relationship between these 2 drives me insane! The feed on one another's jealousies. There relationship is so very wishy washy that sometimes I just want to slap them silly. The butt heads a lot but they do eventually both arrive on the same page.

So far this series has really been a privilege to read and I cant wait to continue the story with Opal. I also love the titles of the books which play a significant role in the series. All I can say is that this series is so very engaging, so fluid to read and understand. Full of action, humor and excitement it is sure to please most readers.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A great August planned for reading.

I have a great month of reading planned for August. I have been trying not to pick quite so many books out for each month in case I change my mind, but it does not seem to work that way for me very easily. I have 7 books chosen for sure, 2 of those are for review, I hunt Killers and Poisoned Waters, and 2 are buddy reads, The Iron King, which is our read along scheduled for Aug 11th, and also Daughter of Smoke and Bone with friends from my Good Reads group which you can find here. The other 3 books I have planned for reading are Chosen to Die, Through the Zombie Glass, and Sharp Objects. I am looking forward to a great August of reading.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dark Sacrifice - Angie Sandro - 5 stars

Wow I enjoyed this sequel just as much as the first one, Dark Paradise. I picked this one up from Net Galley directly after finishing the first one. I was glad they still had it available for review. This book is coming out on August 5th, and I got it in return for an honest review. It has a great mix of genre sure to please a large audience.

The whole ideal of this story is great. I thought that it was structured very well. There were actually several different parts to the story that I really enjoyed quite a lot. I found it to be very engaging and easy to read and follow. I felt that the imagery was great as was the character development. I found that I could barely put the book down.

In this is installment things pick up right where they left off in the last book. And things really start to heat up for Mala and Landry. They have to learn to deal with so many things especially Aunt Magnolia who becomes a large part in the molding not only Mala, but Landry as well. Mala and Landry also have to learn to control powers that threatens to make them do things they can't control. This book also ends on a very open note for another book to make an appearance and I will be one of the first to get it.

The characters are fantastic in my opinion. They are very well developed and I find myself able to connect to most of them. There are both great protagonists and antagonists as well. A nice cast of characters for readers to enjoy. My favorites are Landry and Mala of course. I love that their relationship is not love at first site, and they both have their own demons in life to deal with. Readers are also even more exposed to Aunt Magnolia in this installment. I have to say though, I am still kind of on the fence about her character. I hope there is a third book so I can learn just a bit more about who she is.

I find that this book has an equal balance of being plot driven and character driven both. That makes for a very exciting read. I recommend this to a wide array of readers because I think you can find a bit of everything in not only this book but also it's predecessor. This book IMO is very deserving of the 5 stars I am giving it.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Left to Die - Lisa Jackson 5 stars

I was happy to finally pick this book up. It has been awhile since I have read a Lisa Jackson book. Which is odd since she is one of my favorite authors. I have not been disappointed really by anything that she has wrote.

In this book we have a serial killer known as The Star Crossed Killer. Selena Alvarez and Regan Pescoli are on the hunt to take the killer down. Each of the victims are stripped naked and lashed to a tree in the cold Montana mountains, left to die there alone.

The first thing I need to say is that Lisa Jackson has a great gift for amazing imagery. So amazing and realistic that the readers will be able to place themselves right into the story and take the place of the victims, or the detectives, or even the antagonist. I was actually pretty blown away by the prologue itself and how it made me feel reading it, the terror and pain the uncertainty. And not to mention how I was instantly engaged just from that. I wanted to at least share the part of the story and let you decide if it engages you.

There is always a lot of action and excitement in her books and this one was no different. I also enjoy how readers also get some backstory on the characters as well, but it's not over the top boring back story. I also enjoyed how readers get different POV from a lot of the characters including the Antagonists. Adds a lot more to the story without making it confusing.

I love the characters in this first installment. I think that MacGregor was probably my favorite character of the bunch. At first I was unsure, but as I got to know him I found there was a lot about him to like, he so was very well developed. I also really enjoyed Alvarez and Pescoli, probably Pescoli the most though. She was flawed, a little gritty and very tough and I love characters like that. All the characters in this book are pretty raw and very well developed.

So if you love Mystery then do yourself a favor and pick up this book, and then pick up the rest of them after that. There is even a new release coming in a couple of days. Deserves to Die. You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Weekend reading

So this weekend I will be reading Left to Die by Lisa Jackson. The prologue alone was enough to engage me. Totally immersed in this book. Then I will be reading Dark Sacrifice which I got for review from Net Galley. This is a sequel to Dark Paradise, which I just finished. It was really very good and ended on a great cliffhanger. Also will be trying to get Onyx read by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I loved Obsidian. And the last one would be Wool 3. So hopefully I can get to reading all of these books to finish up my July.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Moved my blog over here!

Hey guys I decide to have a blog over here now to try and keep stuff close together. I will be keeping my other blog as well because I like how I can have so much content over there. So be sure you click the follow button and follow me here. So far everything is moving along pretty well and has not been to hard to get done. Thanks guys!

Dark Paradise - Angie Sandro - 5 stars

This book was amazing to me. The premise of the story, the imagery, and the characters. I could not put it down once I picked it up. I was totally consumed by the story and was completely engaged the minute I turned to the first page. It was very fluid and easy to follow. I liked the 2 person POV too and how the author marked each person's perspective.

In this story we have Malaise LaCroix who comes from a long line of witchery. She struggles at first to believe that she has any part of that even though her mother swears to her that she does. And then Lainie, daughter of a reverend is found dead on the LaCroix property and everything spirals out of control from there.

First of all, the premise of this story is amazing and is what prompted me to start this book in the first place. I have to say I loved every minute of it, and the imagery is also fantastic. I found that I could actually place myself there in the midst of all the craziness and witness everything that was going on. There was a nice creepiness to the story as well. I could feel the impending doom before anything actually happened. Beautifully done!

The characters were my favorite part of this book. I loved Mala so much. She had so much more strength than she herself felt. And I found myself cheering her on when she was trying to get a point across. I had a love hate relationship with Landry at first till his true colors began to shine. I think he is a beautiful person even though he is a little rough around the edges. I am still on the fence when it comes to George. He rubs me the wrong way a lot of the time and I find myself trying to urge Mala not to trust him. He is so hell bent on proving that Landry is a bad person, that it makes me question whether or not he himself is all good.

I enjoyed the 'romance' part of this book with Mala and Landry. The author allows space to let it grow which makes it more realistic than what you normally find in romantic relationship inside books. I liked how they did not just automatically say I love you and they have to work at it to make things happen. It leaves the readers a little breathless and frustrated at the same time.

I look forward to being able to continue reading this series. The cliffhanger at the end of this book certainly can make the readers yearn for more.

Elixir - Ted Galdi - 3 stars

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the Author. This is normally not something I would read so I was a little apprehensive about reading it and then also reviewing it as well. I decided to go ahead and give it shot anyway.

In this book we have a 14 year old boy named Sean who has an IQ of about 250. Played on Jeopardy and then figures out a math formula that gets him into some trouble. He then has people after him which then leads to his fabricated death with a new identity. The story goes on from there.

The first half of the book was very hard for me to get into. I found it somewhat boring and also a bit confusing at times. I thought that Sean was a little unrealistic as well. And I found that I could not relate to the story or characters. The second half of the book was totally different and so much more engaging. It was like I was reading a different book altogether. It had excitement and adventure and it flowed well from then on. This is why it got a 3 star rating.

Our main character, Sean, seemed like 2 different people from the first half of the book to the second half. Which is what made him feel unrealistic to me. I could not pinpoint his character till I got further into the book like maybe the author could not make up his mind on what type of person Sean should be. Once that was ironed out, I started to enjoy who Sean was and could also enjoy the rest of the book.

I think this author has a lot of potential, I feel like he just needs to write with a bit more depth and some better character development. The story was ok it just did not make me say wow.

Proper Gauge - Wool 2 - Hugh Howey - 3 stars

I did not enjoy this installment of Wool as much as I did the first until the last remaining pages in the story that entailed a twist I did not expect at all. So that was a huge plus and of course pushes me to continue with the story.

In this installment we read about Mayor Jahns and Deputy Marnes, and learn more about them and their functions here in the silo. The silo ends up without a Sheriff and they need to go down into the deepest part of the silo to recruit a new one that they have in mind. Along the way they learn so much more about one another and also learn about others as well that is not so great.

I did not really feel like I learned all that much about these 2 characters. I did enjoy how they got to know one another though. The imagery of the silo is fantastic and actually made me visualize every square foot of this place. I thought it was amazing how large this place is and all the work that was done to maintain life here.

There was a great twist in the end of this one, just like the first one that makes it pretty much inevitable that you will carry on with the next. And I really like that about this series. I felt though that this one was just a little dry and even a little boring in places but still enjoyable to read. I do look forward to continuing with the third book in this series, Casting Off.

The Memory Keeper's Daughter - Kim Edwards - 3.5 stars

I have had this book for a few months before deciding to read it as a buddy read. I was not sure what to expect since I knew nothing about it. I found it to be a very touching story and also pretty thought provoking as well.

Set in the 1960's when women were still gassed during a delivery of her baby, a doctor finds himself having to deliver his own twins. His son is born first and he is healthy and perfect, and was thought to be the only child until his twin was born minutes later. It is a little girl who is not born perfect and healthy, but is born with Down Syndrome. The father makes a decision to have the little girl sent to an institution since her prognosis was not good in his eyes. And the story goes from there.

I think the characters were pretty well developed. I could many personality changes in each of them during the course of this story. At first I actually really despised David who is the father/doctor, and I really like Norah who was the birth mother. As I watched them develop and grow throughout the story, I saw some very distinct changes in both of these characters that made me change my mind on that. I ended up not really caring for either one of the main characters.

The twins Paul and Phoebe were also well developed although I feel like the story with Phoebe was less developed than it should have been. I saw more focus on Paul. I would have loved to see more about Phoebe in this since I thought the story was more focused on the aspect of dealing with Down Syndrome. I also found that this brings up the question, 'what would you do?' in this situation. Because of the time period, I could understand many of the sides of this story. And then on the other hand I found some parts rather unforgivable.

This is definitely worth the read, and I found myself taking my time because the story gets a little complex with different stories being told by different characters. And also some parts got a tad bit draggy and boring. It was still pretty easy to follow. I also got worried thinking that I would not get closure on a certain aspect of the story. Which is really what drove me through the book. This is getting a solid 3.5 stars from me.

Wool - Hugh Howey - 3 stars

 I read this one as a buddy read with others in my group. This was really a very short read. I found it very fluid and easy to follow. I also liked the build up to the conclusion to this first installment. It was kind of odd in a way as in I was not sure what to expect with it. I will probably continue with the rest of the books in this series because I feel I have no choice with the ending of this first one. It has piqued my interest a lot.

So we have a community of people who live in a silo because they have been told that the outside was desolate and barren and no one could survive outside of the walls of the silo. As a punishment for those that even whisper how they want out, they get tossed out wearing a suit that gives life support for a short time, long enough for them to clean the lens on the outside of the silo.

The characters in this book were not overly developed but I really liked Holston, who is our main character in this first installment. He is pretty driven to find out what was going on, or if he could actually find a life outside of the silo since his wife seemed to have instilled doubts in his head as to whether or not it was really barren and desolate outside of the silo.

I would have liked to see a bit more depth with both the plot and the characters. I also think the imagery could be just a bit better as well. But I do get hints that this overall story will grow well with each book, at least that is what I am hoping, because with the ending of this one it makes me eager to find out more.

The Kiss - James Patterson - 4.5 stars

This was a great installment to the series. I am a little sad that the adventures are over, but I am so glad that I got to this series. The series just got better and better the further I got through it.

In this installment Whit and Wisty need to stop the Mountain king, or otherwise also called the Snow Leopard. They are in for a lot more than they bargained for. Their whole little town is in jeopardy and these two have to save them. A lot on the line in this installment. Readers also meet some new villains in this book. I feel like this book is both plot driven and character driven which I love.

The imagery in the books are fantastic, this one was no different as far as that went. I felt so immersed in their world while I read. I was so engaged with the story that I could barely stop reading it. And when I wasn't reading I wish I were. I loved all the action and adventure as well. There was also a great twist to the story that I did not expect at all.

The characters grow a lot in this book. And I loved their progression throughout the series. They were all very well developed both protagonists and antagonists alike. My favorites of course are Whit and Wisty. I also really enjoy Janine's character as well. I think they are all very strong.

This is a 4.5 star read for me. And I recommend this book to just about anyone that likes YA with all those great elements such as action, thriller, mystery and of course some young love.

Obsidian - Jennifer L. Aremntrout - 4 stars

This is a first time read for me with this Author. Obsidian is the first book in The Lux Series I had heard a lot about this book and finally decided to try it out. I gotta say I really enjoyed it. No it did not blow me away but it was very engaging. I also found this book to be very fluid and easy to follow. I really liked the writing style, I found it humourous, quirky, and very enjoyable. I look forward to the rest of the series.

This is the first story I have read about Aliens and I really enjoyed it. We have Katy as our main character who just recently moved with her mom to Vest Virginia and she has a lot to deal with including her new neighbors, Dee and her arrogant, self righteous brother named Daemon. Unexplainable things start to happen that put Katy on a mission to figure out what is going on.

The plot was great I think. I found it very entertaining and engaging. What a great premise for a story, especially if the reader is new to books about Aliens. I really like how the author wrote them and made them powerful but not hideous. It made me want to meet an alien. It made me really wonder about life on other planets. Do I believe there is? You betcha!

The characters were so well developed. There were multiple times where I wanted to reach into the book and slap Daemon! He is so rough around the edges and yet so wishy washy you would think he was a female. The on and again off again relationship he has with Katy could get a bit annoying for some I am sure, but it made the relationship so different and so much more believable. Usually most YA love interests fall instantly in love. Dee was probably my favorite character besides Katy. I liked how their friendship developed and Dee did not care what Daemon thought about Katy, she was going to be her friend regardless. I also like how Katy was not afraid to make sacrifices, she knew what family meant and how important it was.

I recommend this book for anyone, especially those who love a good alien story. I look forward to the rest of the series how these relationships progress and how our story continues to unfold.

Alice in Zombieland - Gena Showalter - 5 stars

I have had this book for awhile and I am glad I finally got to read it on a recommendation. This is a first time read for me as well with this author. And now that I have read this book, I look forward to reading more from her. She has a great talent for writing.

Don't let the title of this book fool you into think this is a retelling of Alice in Wonderland because it really is not. There are only a couple of things in the book that even remotely relate to the popular classic fairy tale and that is the name of our main character which is Alice and then the use of a rabbit in an extraordinary way. This book is however about Zombies and about Alice defending against them.

So the story goes like this. We have Alice, her little sister, Emma, Mom and Dad and the grandparents. Alice's father was convinced there were monsters that would hurt them. He taught Alice to fight so if the need would ever arise then she could protect herself and her family. But Alice just thought her dad was the crazy drunk that everyone thought he was. The an accident happens and claims the lives of all of them but her. There was guilt, remorse, and sadness. After the accident that claimed the lives of her family, things start becoming evident to her.

I loved this story so much. I did not expect at all what I got with this, I did expect a retelling of the fairy tale and I was pleasantly surprised by what I got in it's place. I really enjoyed the unique twist to the zombies. So different from the normal, but not so much that it was ridiculous. The imagery is fantastic. The world building is also fantastic. Everything so vivid and inviting. The plot twists were also great. I never saw them coming. I was thoroughly engaged right from the first page.

The characters were probably my favorite part of the book. I absolutely loved Alice. One of the things I liked most about her was that she did not let anyone get the best of her. She did not let anyone tell her what to do. She reacted on impulse and always seemed to do what needed to be done, and I loved that so much about her. Her love interest, Cole was also a great character. There were a couple of iffy moments but overall I liked him.

I recommend this book to anyone that enjoys Zombies and would like a new twist on them. I now look forward to the next installment, Through the Zombie Glass .

Darke - Angie Sage - 4 stars

This was a great installment to the series. It was very fluid and easy to read. I really have been enjoying the characters growth in this series even though the growth is not as profound as some series. We must keep in mind that this book is a middle grade book.

So in this book Septimus and the crew have to fight the Darke Domain and all the evil forces that go along with that. They go through a lot of stuff to try and accomplish this feat. There was plenty of excitement and action to keep readers engaged. I loved revisiting all of my favorite characters.

The imagery in the book is great per normal. I love the depth that our Author has painted the scenery with. I almost felt like I was there with all of them. I really liked the idea of a dragon in the story as well. He too has his own battle to fight. The characters are very well developed as well, and I have several favorites, but I would have liked to see more growth with the characters or least a bit more growth a little faster. Jenna bothers me a little bit. Both in this book and the last one. She almost seems a little spoiled and a little whiny as well.

Overall this was a great read and I really enjoyed. I look forward to getting into the last book of the series, Fyre I recommend this book to anyone who loves a series/book that has a little Harry Potterish feel to it. Although this series is really a lot lighter than the Harry Potter series.

The Light Between Oceans - M.L. Stedman - 3 stars

This is a first time read for me with this author. I had heard that this book was fantastic, and of course I try to stay away from reviews until I read a book. This book was pretty good, it just did not wow me. I found some portions of the book a little boring and drawn out. I did think the premise of the story was good and there were some very touching parts as well. It is pretty much a 'family love story'.

So we have Tom and Isabel, deeply in love, who are living on Janus Rock, and Tom is a light keeper. They have been through 3 miscarriages and they are both pretty much grieving over the losses. They pretty much conclude that they are just not meant to have children. That is until the boat with the dead guy and the baby shows up, Isabel convinces Tom to let her keep the baby. And then the story goes from there.

I really did not like Isabel at all. She really grated on my nerves. How could she not figure out that keeping this baby was wrong? And then every time Tom would reconsider the choices he made about keeping baby Lucy, it seemed like Isabel was always able to change his mind. Tom had a great weakness and at the mercy of his wife he never had a chance of convincing her what they were doing was wrong. So they both kind of rubbed me the wrong way, but I could tolerate Tom a bit more.

I loved the imagery that Stedman gives us mostly of Janus Rock, I could see myself there perfectly. I also really liked the ending of the book as well, it was pretty emotional to say the least. And I feel like it was very satisfying. I did find that this book was more plot driven than anything and the characters could have been a bit better. I do think Stedman is a great writer and I would definitely read more from this Author in the future.