This installment was certainly better than the first one. I was so happy about that. I liked that there was so much more action in this one as well. I can't lie, it was pretty engaging and there were some 'gasp' moments and some pretty good twists that I did not expect as well. I also enjoyed how this one ended, it pushed me a bit more towards tolerating Juliette. Please read below.
The only problem I really have with this series right now is the main character Juliette. Something about her I do not like. I realize she is a 17 year old girl trying to calm the chaos in the world and maybe therein lies the problem. She is always doubting someone or something, she gets into this 'woe is me' routine that drives me crazy. She is also a little wishy washy at times. I don't know, maybe it was the authors intention to have her portray a sniveling, just out of diapers, character, but really can we grow up a bit? There is an up to all of this though, and that is how this book ended and how everything that has happened has affected and altered Juliette's attitude hopefully towards something a little more positive. How about a strong, kick ass character, who can cause an earthquake at the drop of a dime.
Now if you are looking for a full blown out war in this book, sorry to say you don't get to witness any of that, sorry if that is a spoiler, but just trying to warn readers right from the start. Maybe that will come with the next book, who knows, I guess we just wait and see. Anyway, The focus in this book, is mostly on Juliette (oh yay) and Warner. But still I am keeping my fingers crossed as I plunge into the next book, Ignite Me
Wow I don't really read a lot of Alien books. I really enjoyed The Host, about 6 years ago, so I thought it was about time for another one. So I decided to give this one a shot. This has got to be my favorite book for the year. It definitely captured my attention from the start. It is such fluid story telling, and I loved that! I absolutely loved the story here and I am so excited for the next book to be released.
This setting is a post apocalyptic, alien invaded world right here on earth. I loved the action so much. It is such an engaging story. If we were to be invaded by aliens, this is how I would see it happening. The aliens themselves are created very uniquely. Quite different from most aliens we read about.
And wow the characters!! I found that the characters were just, simply put, amazing, and they are developed so very well! I enjoyed them all so much. And for a book like this, with aliens, I thought that the characters were so believable and relatable. All of them really made me believe in aliens living among us.
There is a super great twist in the end of this book which has me biting at the bit for the next installment, which is not out yet, but I certainly hope that is comes out soon. Don't leave me hanging for too long Gabrielle!
My husband got me this series for my birthday. I thought it would be interesting to read, and now that all the hype is gone, I figured now would be the perfect time to pick it up and give it a try. For the most part I thought it was decent.
I enjoyed the story that was being told in this book, but I was hoping for more adventure and a bit more drama than I got. So that was a bit disappointing, but even so, it was still pretty engaging, making it a pretty quick read. I am impressed with the writing as well since this was the authors debut novel. Nicely done.
The characters were pretty well developed, some more realistic than others. I do hope, that as I move along through the series, these characters will continue to develop even more and become really strong characters.