After I finished Rune Gate I knew I was going to have to read Chosen, book 2 in the Rune Gate Cycle. And I am so glad I did. This has been a great duology and loved them both.
In this installment Alex and her friends track down Shadow Man, but everything seems to go wrong. And they find themselves forced through the Gate and end up in a whole new magical world called Othala.
Wow the world building in this one was great, loved this world that the characters found themselves a part of. Great imagery again and chock full of magic. I really liked how the author took us from mystery to fantasy so easily without a lot of confusion. I don't read much fantasy but this one was wrote in a way that I could follow and enjoy.
Again the characters are brilliant and we get to meet several new and interesting characters. And again I really loved Douglas character. He is like a Knight in Shining Armor, there to help who he can. Everything he does is for the greater good, and he does not realize how wonderful he is. The rest of the characters also develop well coming into this story from the last and I love what each of them become and what they must overcome to get there. There is a 'light' love triangle in this book that was slowly developed in the first book. It was not the focus of the story which makes me really happy. I also liked the antagonists in this story as their true forms come more to life. I would have liked to have seen more of them in the story though. I don't feel like they had a big enough presence in this one.
There was only one real issue that I had in this book and I am not sure why, but it seemed like anyone could do magic if they trained and that kind of bothered me. I am not sure why because Harry Potter was much the same way. It just does not seem likely for this book that people of our world could go to Othala and be able to train to do magic. It just seems to take away from the story a bit, makes the magic less of a big deal and less important for those who are born into it. Because of this I give the book 4 stars and not 4.5 like the first one. Other than that I really enjoyed the story and I think it wrapped up nicely.
I recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy and witches and magic. There is plenty of magic in this book for everyone to enjoy. I am pretty sure the series stops here and I think that is good as well. I am not sure where the author would take the story if it should continue.
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