I was just recently nominated for this award by Lydia over at SomethingLikeLydia on Booktube. There are some rules that go along with this award.
The Sister of the World Bloggers Award.
There are 5 Rules to the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:
1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site.
2. Post the award’s logo on your blog. Nominees can pick up that logo HERE.
3. Answer the ten questions you’ve been asked.
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers.
5. Set 10 new questions for your nominees.
Here are my nominees also for both bloggers and Booktube:
1. Shannon+leaninglights
2. Jen+TodayinJensLibrary
3. Ashley @Ashleyreads
4. Danne @insatiablebookie
5. Sylvia @ WishFulfillment
6. Amanda @AmandainPA
7. Heather @ChannelHMC
8. Mel @TheBookMoo
9.Brittni +Brittni's Book Find
10. Akoss @Akossiwa K
And Now for the Questions:
1. What is your favorite genre of books?
2. How much of your day is dedicated to reading?
3. Who is your favorite Author?
4. What is your favorite book?
5. What is your favorite source of reading, physical, e-books or audio?
6. How often do you visit the book store?
7. How often do you use your library?
8. When did you discover BookTube?
9. How often do you record your videos?
10. Approximately how many books do you own?
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