Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Enders - Lissa Price - 4 stars

I decided to read this book so that I could have an 'E' for my A-Z challenge. I was not sure how I would like this book since I found the first one was just ok for me. I have to say that I enjoyed this one much more than the first book, Starters, and that made me happy.

I wont give a synopsis of this book considering it is the sequel. In this series, there were 'spore Wars, which wiped out a lot of people. Teens, who are the Starters can rent their bodies out to Enders, older generation, to make some much needed money, Callie decided that she would so she could save her brother and this book goes on from there.

I really enjoyed the plot of this dystopian series because it was different from most others. I liked how the book flowed so much better than the first one did and it was also much more engaging. While the first book was still good, I found that this one had a lot more action and excitement. It kept me more glued top the pages.

I also liked the characters better in this book, I think they transitioned well. I felt like they were developed much better and were far more likable and realistic. Callie is probably my favorite character of all of them. I missed having Tyler in this book though. There are some great bad guys to hate as well. I think the author pulled this duology together well and I enjoyed the ending of this tale.

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