In this searing courtroom drama, best-selling author John Grisham probes the savage depths of racial he delivers a compelling tale of uncertain justice in a small southern town...Clanton, Mississippi.
The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young men. The mostly white town reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assault rifle and takes matters into his hands.
For ten days, as burning crosses and the crack of sniper fire spread through the streets of Clanton, the nation sits spellbound as young defense attorney Jake Brigance struggles to save his client's life...and then his own.
I have to be honest and say I was not sure about this book at all. The more I read though, the more I was intrigued. I really enjoyed the writing style a lot. The story was very engaging and was pretty quick paced. I also found this story to be very thought provoking as was a young adult in the year that this book was written. I did not think much about how thick the racism was in the 80's. Reading this book brought that to the forefront for me. It also made me think about what I would have done if this was to happen to me, if my child had been raped, beaten and left for dead. What would I have done? How would I have reacted? This book really makes reader's think about it.
I absolutely loved the characters in this book, well most of them anyway. They were developed very well. Of course my favorite would be Jake, but I also really enjoyed Ellen even though she came into the story relatively late. I would have loved to have had her a bit sooner into the story and maybe learned a bit more about her. I could relate to the characters very well because they felt so real and down to earth most of the time. I also found them to be very likeable for the most part.
Since I was recommended this book, I must recommend it as well, even for those who do not like courtroom dramas like me. I think this book could change your mind. I look forward to experiencing more of this author in the future.
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