Sunday, June 4, 2017

The End - Lemony Snicket - 4 stars

Wow this book wrapped up the series pretty well. I have to say though that it had a rather bitter and depressing ending, but I guess it depends on how you look at it. (A clever phrase used throughout this book.) Yet I still thought it came together nicely bringing with it a whole new crew of characters, some of which I really liked, and then some not so much. Even though it did not end any more unfortunate than normal for the orphans, it was just not everything I wanted. Even through all of it, it was still a very engaging read, with a lot of questions answered and then with even more questions to now be asked.

The characters, you know, I fell in love with from the start. The orphans are so much fun to tag a long with throughout this series. Never did I get bored of any of them. They are just amazing kids who have a very rough time at life. And no matter how hard they try to make things a little better something else steps conveniently in the way.

I was thinking that I wished there was a beginning to all of it. Not the beginning to the Orphans, but the beginning to their parents. That would shed a lot of light on this whole series. Maybe in the future our author will feel inclined to write a little something about that.