Friday, April 8, 2016

Finder's Keepers - Stephen King - 5 stars

Can we just say WOW! This book #2 in the Bill Hodges Trilogy. I read this book as a buddy read with a few friends of mine. I have to say that I think this one was better than the first and I am so glad that we arranged this buddy read. Fantastic.

“Wake up, genius.” So begins King’s instantly riveting story about a vengeful reader. The genius is John Rothstein, an iconic author who created a famous character, Jimmy Gold, but who hasn’t published a book for decades. Morris Bellamy is livid, not just because Rothstein has stopped providing books, but because the nonconformist Jimmy Gold has sold out for a career in advertising. Morris kills Rothstein and empties his safe of cash, yes, but the real treasure is a trove of notebooks containing at least one more Gold novel.

Morris hides the money and the notebooks, and then he is locked away for another crime. Decades later, a boy named Pete Saubers finds the treasure, and now it is Pete and his family that Bill Hodges, Holly Gibney, and Jerome Robinson must rescue from the ever-more deranged and vengeful Morris when he’s released from prison after thirty-five years.

Not since Misery has King played with the notion of a reader whose obsession with a writer gets dangerous. Finders Keepers is spectacular, heart-pounding suspense, but it is also King writing about how literature shapes a life—for good, for bad, forever.

I LOVED the plot of this story. What could be better than a book about someone who loves books! This story is so fluid and so engaging and it had me hooked right from the very start. I have to say I had a hard time putting the book down. There were several 'gasping' moments for me, and the edge of your seat action and excitement. What a thrill it was to read this.

As most King readers already know, King is a master at character development, and the characters in this book/series are no different. All of them are beautifully created and developed, and Yes even our crazy, psychotic monster is too. I loved watching all of them evolve throughout the series and those who are in this book itself. I found them to be pretty relatable and very believable. King always gets it right in my opinion.

I have to recommend this book to anyone who loves a great thrill riding mystery and of course those who are fan s of Stephen King and even the ones who aren't because they don't like horror. Well this series is not horror, it is good old fashion mystery with a whole lot of action and excitement Mixed it. Well deserving of the 5 stars I am giving it!

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