Friday, November 30, 2018

The Outsider - Stephen King - 5 stars

Wow, what can I say about this book? King has done it again? He outdid himself? YES! A lot of people think that King has lost his touch with his writing, but let me tell you something, this is an amazing read full of mystery, suspense, thriller, and supernatural. Be prepared for a great ride with this one, it is a very engaging and captivating story. Be aware though, that if you have not read The Bill Hodges trilogy, this one will have spoilers in it.

I knew that I would enjoy this one after reading the plot of the story. I could already hear all the questions forming in my head. Who? When? How? A few times I thought I actually pin pointed the story only to realize I had been wrong each and every time. King strings readers along very well with this one. The pacing of the story was incredible. Slow enough to learn everything you needed to know about our setting and it's residents, and fast enough to keep it exciting. I love when I can barely put a book down, and this book was like that.

Our characters were multi layered, very strong, very well developed. So many awesome characters that are so very different from each other. You watch them grow throughout the story and become actual people. Our supposed bad guy in the story, Terry, is a pretty strong character. As you read you think 'There is no way this guy is a killer. It has to be someone else', where at the same time you are telling yourself 'He could be just hiding it all very well and he could actually be the killer.' There is also Ralph, our detective, who really struggles with solving the case. He holds evidence that is very contradictory and causes all kinds of questions including questioning his morals and even himself. Then there is Marcy, the would be killers wife, who you think would be meek and mild, giving in to all the stress, crumbling under the pressure. True she does crumble now and again, but really, she takes no ones crap and she is not afraid to tell anyone her thoughts or what she thinks about the case. There are also plenty more notable and unique characters throughout the story.

Overall, one of my favorite reads of the year! I was sad the story was over when I turned the last page. It has been a little while since I have been this engaged in a mystery and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute spent. King fans are sure to love this one, mystery fans will get a great dose of whodunnit, in a supernatural sort of way!

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