Sunday, December 7, 2014

Your Heart Belongs to me - Dean Koontz - 3 star

I decided to read this book simply because I needed it for one of my challenges. I found the book some what engaging, but I also found myself confused at times as well. The story that was being told had a great premise, but it was not everything I expected it to be.

We have Ryan who is a very active, athletic, and health conscious guy. One day he experiences what he assumes is a heart attack, and at the age of 34 that was not good for him. He decides to go get checked out and discovers that he has Cardio Myopathy. A heart condition, if not taken care of, is fatal. So he needs a heart transplant in order to survive. He gets the transplant and then a year later he starts getting odd gifts with a note attached saying 'your heart belongs to me.'

I find that Koontz was very poetic in this book and also used some pretty good imagery while painting the scenes for the readers to enjoy. I liked that aspect of the book. I felt immersed in the story most of the time. And then there were times I found myself confused and had to go back a reread portions of the story to figure out what I had missed. I feel like some of it could have just been left out.

I really liked Ryan, and he is the only one that I really liked. He seemed to be the best developed of the characters. He had kind of an Odd Thomas feel to him and I really liked that. The other characters I really did not connect very well with. I also was disappointed in Samantha. I did not really see much use for her in the story.

I think the end of the book fell a little flat for me, I did not really like the way it ended at all, almost unfinished in a way if that makes any sense. I don't feel like there was closure to the story. I guess I recommend this to anyone that likes Koontz and his writing style.

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