Monday, August 11, 2014

Storm Siren - Mary Weber - 4.5 stars

I received this book in exchange for an honest review. All I can say is WOW! The cover was what caught my attention first. It is beautiful. I was a little concerned that I would not enjoy this book since it is fantasy. I have not done well with this genre in the past, but I thought I would take a shot with this one and I have to say, I am glad I did.

The premise of this story is about a war between Faelen and Bron and 2 young adults, Nym and Collin, have to try and stop it. Nym and Collin are slaves with very special powers, only they need to better control what they have and they go through training to head this war against Bron. There are many obstacles and struggles that they must overcome.

I have to say I really liked the premise of this book. It was very intriguing to me. And when I began turning the pages and started reading it, the world slowly began to unfold before me and I was instantly in love with the writing. The world is created with such imagery that I felt I was there among the citizen of Faelen. I would love to see more back story before the wars started so maybe in the future we will see that. I did not struggle with wordiness or slow parts in this book and that is always a plus.

I thought that the characters were so very well created. I felt so connected to them as if I knew them in the flesh. Even though this is a fantasy novel the characters still felt very realistic to me. My favorite characters were probably Nym and Collin. I think they worked so well together. There are a few great antagonists as well. The author did very well making me love to hate them.

I can actually recommend this to anyone! It is such an easy, fluid read that I think everyone can enjoy it. A lot of great plot twists and adventure and then we can't forget to mention that phenomenal cliff hanger at the end. I look forward to whatever comes next with this trilogy, I just hope I can wait. This gets 4.5 stars from me.

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