Thursday, October 1, 2015

Soul Corrupted - Lisa Gail Green - 4 stars

I got this book from the publisher by way of Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This is the second installment from the series 'Of Demons and Angels'. I am glad I had the opportunity to read this book since I enjoyed the first one as much as I did.

I am not going to give a full blown synopsis on this book since it is book 2 of the series and I don't want to spoil anyone on that book. We do have Josh, Grace and Keira in this book along with good old Lucifer who is still wreaking havoc on Earth. Their is now a threat of an Anti-Christ who has to be stopped at the same time involving several other people putting them in danger.

I found some things were a little odd in this book such as part of the plot line not being very realistic, but it was not to the point of ruining the story. I found this book to flow very well like the first one did and lots of excitement to keep the pages turning for me. It is also very easy to follow and comprehend. It feel like a pretty simple story but very entertaining at the same time. The author also does very well stringing along her readers. Once to grab ahold, you can't let go. This one ended in a pretty good cliffhanger and I am anxious to see where it will go.

I do like the characters in this series and I love how they evolve so much making you change your mind a hundred times over as to who you like or don't like and who you can trust. I know that eventually they will all be where they are supposed to be, I just hope I enjoy where that is. I really would like to see more wicked bad guys in this book though besides just the few that we get to read. I think it could be a little more exciting in that aspect.

I recommend this to anyone who likes angel or demon stories or YA in general or maybe even Urban fantasy. I am not sure exactly how many books are in this series but I do look forward to reading the next book. Great story and plot line.

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