Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Prisoner of Night and Fog - Anne Blankman - 5 stars

This book was chosen for me to read as a part of the pick 5 challenge that I am doing with a friend of mine, where we chose books for each other that were out of our current comfort zones. This book was a good choice for me even if I did not think so at the start of the challenge, but since then I have enjoyed more and more historical fiction, so it turns out that this one was a great choice. I am so glad that it was a part of my challenge.

This is the story of Gretchen Muller who grew up in the Socialist National Party. She thought she would always be protected by her 'Uncle Dolf' who turns out to be Adolph Hitler. This is not really her Uncle but he had been a part of her family for many years after he served with Gretchen's father. It had been said that her father gave his life protecting Uncle Dolf and Gretchen followed his every command, in return he would protect her and her family. This only lasts until she meets Daniel, a young Jewish reporter. She had been taught to despise Jews, but she could not resist Daniel and his story. A story that would change everything.

I absolutely loved the plotline of this story. I thought it was very interesting how the author took true facts and wove a story of fiction around that while still using some very real people in the story as well. It all flowed so brilliantly. Always something was happening to keep me on the edge of my seat silently praying for Gretchen and Daniel. The story was also very real and I loved how it brought so much history to the forefront. It gives another deeper look at Hitler and his life and the mental problems that surrounded him.

The characters were developed beautifully, and I fell in love with Gretchen and her stubbornness. She knew right from wrong and she was not afraid to act on it regardless of the sacrifice involved. She went through some real struggles dealing with the issues of her family and Uncle Dolf at the same time while her world crumbled around her from discovering the truth. She showed so much strength through all of it. I also really enjoyed Daniel as well, another very strong character who tried desperately hard to get the truth out there for anyone who would listen.

I recommend this to everyone, even those who do not necessarily like historical fiction. It is so worth the read and I feel like everyone should read it. I look forward to Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke, and will hopefully get that book soon. Look like another trip to the Library!

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